We prepare permittable plan sets for clients to ease the permitting process. We assist in developing ideas and options for house plans to be turned into AutoCAD drawings. From there the client will review preliminary plans and address any issues or concerns that may arise. Giving a visual representation of sketches or ideas. From there, once preliminary plans are approved, we will finish the plan sets for homeowners to take to the building department, receive quotes from builders or take to other specialty services.
The plan sets are beneficial by having all ideas down on paper while meeting code requirements and construction standards. Physical prints or digital PDF’s can be quoted by builders. We also facilitate services through Architects, Engineers and Interior Designers. We are conveniently located in Chehalis Washington at (360) 345-6679.
Other services we offer are: structural drafting, site visits, as built drawings of existing structures, floor plan design, remodel design, addition plan design, electrical drafting, construction detail design, site plan AutoCAD development, patent drawing in AutoCAD, or any other items to be designed in AutoCAD.
We offer different types of AutoCAD Services from simple plans to advanced detailing that best fit your technical requirements.
Construction related projects in architectural, structural, patent, and electrical. With AutoCAD, we can document or detail projects of any size or complexity. Offering experienced AutoCAD and construction support to Owners, General Contractors, Architects, Municipalities, Manufacturers, Engineers, and other business segments. AutoCAD supports all types of files and scales, working for professionals in every discipline on projects of every kind utilizing a variety of data input formats like PDF files to develop project-related drawings. We confidently apply AutoCAD to perform Architectural, Redline Mark-ups, Paper to CAD Conversions, Mechanical, Electrical, Manufacturing…etc. all within an array of client sectors.